Posted by: pollyw | April 15, 2010

Fruit — It’s not just a food group


You hear this word frequently tossed around in Christian circles. 

As Christians, we are to bear fruit with the Lord working through us.  I’ve always liked the concept and found it easy  to understand.

This weekend, though, I saw the definition of “bearing fruit” in all its glory.  I wish I had a picture to post on here because it really is something you have to see.  I had a chance to hang out with my mom and dad recently, far away from the city life. 

They have an assortment of fruit trees, and my three year old and I wandered out there to take a look at “the crop” this year.  That was when I saw the most amazing fruit display I have ever seen.  The plum tree was practically dripping with plums.  They were still green, but it was incredible.  It was as if every centimeter on that tree was just aching to show what it could do.  I didn’t stop to count them, but imagine a tree with a lot of plums on it and then imagine that amount doubled or tripled even, and you would have this tree.  Besides the huge amount on the tree, there were what seemed like hundreds on the ground, too. 

Now that tree was fruitful — filled to the brim with fruit.  Everywhere you look — fruit.

That tree wasn’t looking around saying, “What do I have to do to get a lot of fruit this year?  Maybe I need to help out the fig tree a little more.  Maybe I need to read more books about how to be a fruitful tree.  It looks like the hose spends most of its time over there, I had better move closer to it.”

No, the plum tree just did what it was created to do.  It received the sun that came its way, it absorbed the water that came by, and it did its plant thing to turn it all into nutrition.  As a result, fruit just came along as a byproduct.

Now, as all good metaphors, do, this story can break down in places once it is applied to our walk with the Lord, but for me, the take-away message is that I don’t have to always be striving to have fruit in my life. 

If I will just receive the things God provides to nourish my spirit, fruit will result.  He gives me the Bible, His presence, the ability to talk with Him in prayer, all of these are nourishment for my soul.  All I need to do is receive these things, put them in place in my life, and be the person He created me to be, not the person I think I should be. 

Wow, I never thought I would want to be like a plum tree.  But there you have it, I want to have every centimeter of my life covered in His fruit.


  1. Polly, It is my understanding that fruit trees such as plums, peaches and pears have more plentiful and sweeter fruit in the spring if there was good cold weather and freezes during the winter. I’m going to guess these plums are going to be sweet when they ripen. Spiritually, I don’t think we see fruit in our own lives unless we too go through challenges as well. – Mike


    • Very good point, Mike! Thanks for the great comment.


  2. Hi Polly, I’m just wondering if you have a specific Bible reading plan that you follow? I am in a bit of a lull at the moment with Bible reading. It would be lovely to have a bit of a guide of what to read next – then I could follow your weekly summary posts, based on what I have already read that week… Thanks, Julie


    • Hi Julie!

      When I first started this blog I was on the “Bible in 90 Days” reading plan, which explains why most of the entries in the beginning are from the Old Testament. I made it all the way to 2 Samuel, and then the curveballs of life started getting me, and I couldn’t read for the hour it took to get through the readings. I really liked it when I was consistently doing it because it tied everything together and felt like I was practically living in the Bible times because I was so immersed in it.

      Right now, I’m not following anything specific and although it’s hard to admit, I’m having a rough time getting my quiet times done. That’s why I love writing these devos, because it gets me back in His Word when I’m letting other things get in the way of my time with Him.

      As far as the devos, I don’t really follow any order. I just pray about it and see what the Lord puts on my mind that week.

      As far as following a plan, I love the Beth Moore studies, and have even bought the workbooks to go through when I wasn’t attending a session.

      Our pastor encouraged us this past Sunday to work on using Scripture during our prayer time, so I’ll probably be hanging out in Psalms a bit more over the next few weeks.

      Thanks for the great question, you really made me think about how I miss being on track with my reading.

      I’m going to ask the Lord to give us all a real adventure in His Word this month, both personally and here, on this site.


  3. Beautiful picture! I love it how God uses these sorts of things to show us His Glory. I’m encouraged Polly – thank you.


    • Thanks for stopping by Kelly!


  4. Nice imagery and reminder. Be available, expose ourselves to the elements in God’s repetoire, soak in the nourishment and bear fruit abundantly! Thanks Polly!


  5. […] know how amazing it can be to have a fruit tree in your own backyard.  As I’ve written here before, my parents have some very fruitful fruit trees where they […]


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