Posted by: pollyw | January 22, 2013

Let’s do church…

I went to a really neat church service this week. It was the 11:20 AM Monday service of the Faith Household Church. The church bulletins were each individually handwritten with the order of service. The praise and worship songs were written by the praise and worship team and sung with enthusiasm on the pink Princess microphone. The words to the songs were written in large letters with crayon so that the congregation could follow along. The sermon was Scripturally sound and even included visual demonstrations from VBS crafts. The pulpit was a purple rolling drawer stand. We were dismissed to the “Funny Song of the Week” written by a member of the praise team.

There were some unpredictable happenings at the service. During the sermon, the worship leader lost her guitar pick in her guitar and there was some excitement while she and the rest of the worship team rattled it out. Also during the sermon, a two year old approached the speaker wanting to play catch with a ball he had found in the playroom. At the question and answer time after the sermon, one of the younger congregants asked how much longer the service was going to last.

If you haven’t guessed by now, this church service was put on by our three oldest kiddos in our living room. My husband had asked them the night before what we could do as a family to grow closer to the Lord. They decided that we could have a worship service and spent half of the next day planning it. Did I mention that this was their vacation day?

I loved it. Through this wonderful service I saw that the Lord is touching their hearts in a real way. I was amazed at the worship songs the girls wrote and led us in and it was the first time that I had a glimpse of the gift of teaching that my son has with the Bible. I also loved that they spent so much time together to plan it. These days I seem to do a lot of refereeing with the older ones and it was so refreshing to see them working together for such a neat church service. It wasn’t just a “show” to them. It was real worship. The Lord can use anyone, big or small, to spread His message. I love it.


  1. So precious is your family!  Love to you all.




  2. Delightful!
    I like the “How much longer?” bit. I suspect it to be a question many congregants would love to ask, but dare not!


    • Too funny, Ian! Great to hear from you again, thanks for stopping by!


  3. I loved this! Your kids,are,awesome,,and you!


    • Thanks, Alice! We all think you’re pretty great, too!!


  4. So cute. What a great idea.


    • It really was neat! Thanks for stopping by!


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